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Posts published in August 2018

Switching Gears – When It’s Time to Move On

I admit: It has not been easy to switch from Duality to another novel. I lived, breathed, and agonized over my debut novel for nearly a year. I thought of little else, even when forced to distance myself from the book to make room for Real Life. I was and still am elated to have finished it, and I look forward to the input from my beta readers and from the editor. I even dove right…

Who Do You Write For?

One of my friends recently asked, “Who do you write for?” It was a simple enough question for me to answer and, without any hesitation, I responded, “I write for myself.” The next logical question was, “But, what about the readers and what they might want?” Ah, that…I had to think harder about that question, particularly since it exposed an issue that came up while editing Duality. It was an internalized battle, but a battle…

What Happens When Dreams are Lost?

If your dreams don’t come true the way you hope, should they be abandoned? One of my coworkers stopped me while passing in the break room last week. She asked how things are going with the novel. Another coworker was present, and his ears perked up at the announcement that the book is now finished and in the hands of the beta readers. She congratulated me, asked that I keep her posted, and we all…

We Have Reached Beta!

I realize that there has been radio silence here at Always Ametra as of late. But, for good reason! For the last three weeks, I have spent roughly 18 hours out of every weekend doing nothing but writing. Yes, I continued to write every evening during the week after work, but it became the norm to get in on Friday before 5 pm and spend the next eight hours at my desk writing and editing…