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Posts published in September 2018

And All To Do Again!

The response to both the announcement of the release date for Duality as well as to the book trailer has been phenomenal. I am so grateful for the support and encouragement that I’ve received, for the leads on helpful resources that I can utilize moving forward, and to those who have kindly volunteered to assist in beta reading the next as well as future novels. I have a vacation coming up, but it’ll be a working…

The Shriek Heard ‘Round the World

On November 10, 2018, my debut novel – Duality – will be released! As some of you know, that is also my birthday in addition to the one-year anniversary of my blog’s inception. Furthermore, it will be my goal to release a new novel every year on the same date. I’ll be getting gifts on November 10th, and so will you! I am SO happy and excited right now that this won’t be a full post…

The Joys of Self-Promotion…eh

The announcement of the release date for Duality is drawing near, and I find myself spending every spare moment – outside of work and writing my second novel – on areas of promotion and creating promotional material for the book. I have to admit that while I have an intense fondness for the creative process as a whole, it does take a certain type of vision to make a promotion pop and I don’t have the interest…

Patchwork Wordsmith

Last weekend was rather fantastic. Because it was a three-day weekend, I had the opportunity to get all of the logistics out of the way by early Saturday afternoon with two full days still remaining to do as I liked. Obviously, part of that time was spent working on my second novel. I also read over some of the finer details with regard to publishing and came several steps closer to finalizing a release date…

Maintaining Focus and Consistency Throughout a Series

Just as my primary focus was on Duality while I was writing it, my focus is now on my current novel. That isn’t to say, though, that I don’t have an eye cast upon future books. I’ve mentioned before how I have several projects in the works. To be frank, I have enough material to keep me busy well into the year 2020 – to start. Inside that bag of goodies is a series that will span…

How Deep is Too Deep?

One of my characters has made me angry. Well, it’s more accurate to admit that I wrote a section of a chapter during which I caused a character of my creation to do something that, ultimately, made me angry. In case you don’t recall my saying so previously, I am an organic writer. What that means is that I create the opening to a novel, decide upon how it might end, and then create a…