Greetings, fellow wordsmiths and fellow explorers of the digital realm! Today, I’ve got a tale that’s bound to make you laugh and possibly make you rethink your online research practices. You see, I’ve been knee-deep in the shadowy world of crime investigation while working on my upcoming psychological thriller, “Hey, Roomie!” And believe me, it’s been quite the adventure – complete with some heart-pounding moments. Before we dive in, let’s clarify that this post is…
Posts published in “Writing”
Let’s just get right to it. If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you already know that—in addition to being a published author, working on my third novel—I also have a full-time job. On top of that, I am also a small-business owner, having opened an online store in the Fall of 2021. As I occupy multiple creative spaces while still trying to maintain a daytime gig, and as I continue to grow and…
While reading through Twitter recently, I caught wind of a rivalry within the writing community that I didn’t know existed: the Writer vs. Author conflict. Though well-aware of the positions of those involved in the discussion, I thought it best to do some independent reading to see what, if any, the big deal is. For those unaware, there’s a line that seemingly separates writers–who can be anyone writing about anything–from authors, who are considered to…
It shouldn’t be necessary to preface just about everything with a disclaimer. However, there are people out there who are determined to take offense to everything or make it about them so we have to encase everything we say in the softest of pillows or the sweetest of coatings to make it palatable. I’ll say this: The following is based SOLELY on my personal experience. I’m sure that others have had their own issues, results,…
Obviously, I’ve been away for a while. I haven’t, however, been idle. The covers for both Duality and Vitae have been redone, and the e-book versions can be purchased via the Apple Store, Barnes & Noble, Scribd, and others. I am so thrilled! How did this happen? Well, if you’ve been paying attention, this shouldn’t come as a shock at all. I laid out my research and findings in previous posts, and also explained that…
It’s been a while since last I graced your screen. Things have been incredibly busy and Time just slipped away from me. However, I am on vacation for the next several days and the first thing I wanted to be sure to do is check in here and make sure that you know I’m still around. I’m currently juggling multiple non-writing projects in addition to working on my third novel.I’ve also made some decisions with…
While organizing my closets in preparation for a huge new project, I came across the same 18-gallon tote that I’ve been moving from place to place for quite some time. Sure it’s set up a bit different now. It was once a large cardboard box before I decided that all cardboard needed to be replaced with plastic totes. But, the contents have not changed. The tote contains dozens of spiral notebooks and even loose pages…
We’ve gone over a lot in my most recent blog posts. We’ve discussed the many ways that we, as independent authors, have to multitask during the creative process. We also talked about the different tools used for book promotion. Most recently, I went over Expanded Distribution and what goes into making sure that your novel, should you want to, qualifies for that process – as well as how the price of your novel could factor…
I previously shared the unofficial soundtrack to Duality with you. Now, here’s the one I put together for Vitae… This list doesn’t have as many character-specific songs as Duality, mostly because this novel has a different feel overall. But, have fun guessing nonetheless! Sleep – Poets of the Fall When Your Heart is Weak – Cock Robin Sanvean (I Am Your Shadow) – Lisa Gerrard Waiting for the Night – Depeche Mode…
As mentioned in a previous post, music plays a big part in my writing. As such, everything I write has an unofficial soundtrack; crafted around characters in the book, their feelings and motivations, as well as happenings within the book itself. This is the one I put together for Duality. I’ve listed the original artist(s), but not the name of the character or the setting to which the song was attributed – so as not…