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Great Storms That Begin Small

I have spent the last month or so doing my best to get my life right. I don’t mean that on any dramatic, over-the-top, monumental scale. I only mean in terms of writing, working on my “brand,” and finalizing plans for future projects.

It is a lot. That is definitely not an over-exaggeration; I actually do have a lot on my plate. And, it’s fantastic! That is not a complaint at all. I am absolutely loving it, and I wish I had the time to do so much more.

First, I am still buzzing over having published Duality in November. The response that I have received, the reviews that have come in, and the feedback I’ve been given on social media has been absolutely invaluable and I am very grateful. I have taken what’s been shared with me and I have bundled it together and used it to bolster and reinforce myself so that when the next novel comes out later this year, I’ll be even more prepared. To me, every step that I’m taking is a positive step toward amazing goals that were so hard for me to envision just a couple of years ago.

Yes, I have always been a writer. It has always been a dream of mine to be published. What I’d do once I became published, though, was the mystery. I was unsure as to whether I’d be uplifted by the experience or discouraged by it. Who knew if the reality would overshadow the anticipation? I indulged myself in this experience, though, not with the intent to become rich but to become enriched.  More than anything, I wanted to be fulfilled – and I have been. Duality has motivated me to do even more. I will publish more novels, I’ll branch out into other things, heck – I’ll even start writing blog posts on a regular basis again!

For now, though, I need to get back to work on the next novel. I will be back soon, though, to talk about a wonderful example of paying it forward that I had the pleasure of experiencing on social media recently.

Until then!