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Posts tagged as “conflagration”

Prior Perils and The Epiphany of Deadlines for the Independent Author

Ah, the whimsical world of self-imposed deadlines. They’re like those New Year’s resolutions we make every January, filled with good intentions and a sprinkle of delusion. You know the drill: “I’ll write a chapter a day,” or “I’ll have my novel ready by next month.” But as life inevitably belly-flops into our plans, we find ourselves drowning in a sea of missed deadlines and broken promises. Such is the saga of my latest novel, “Hey…

Fancy Meeting You Here!

It’s been a while since last I graced your screen. Things have been incredibly busy and Time just slipped away from me. However, I am on vacation for the next several days and the first thing I wanted to be sure to do is check in here and make sure that you know I’m still around. I’m currently juggling multiple non-writing projects in addition to working on my third novel.I’ve also made some decisions with…

The Moral of the Story – Expanded Distribution’s Downside

Allow me to preface this by saying that I didn’t realize things would end quite this way. When I began discussing Expanded Distribution several posts ago, I had not yet actually experienced it firsthand. In fact, it was because of my own research into options for Expanded Distribution that the topic became of great interest to me, and I decided to submit both Duality and Vitae into the program AFTER I began discussing it here.…

More Tools of the Trade

Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored post. None of the companies responsible for the products mentioned here have given me a damn thing in exchange for a mention or review. These services are used by me, loved by me, and will continue to be my go-to for the foreseeable future. There has been a fair bit of discussion online within Twitter’s Writing Community asking for suggestions to help in the creation of ads. As I mentioned…

Master of Multitasking

Those of us within the Writing Community of Twitter, as well as the writing community as a whole, transcend myriad categories that vary depending on the stage of our writing careers, whether we’re independent authors or signed to an agent and/or publisher, genre – you name it. At the moment, I am an independent author. In my specific situation, because it can differ for other indy writers, this means that I am solely responsible for…

What’s In “Store” for 2020?

It’s been a busy time for me as of late. In addition to hours increasing for peak season at my day job, I’ve also been hard at work with promos for Vitae and with solidifying some of the groundwork for the novel I plan to publish by the end of 2020. Speaking of Vitae…I am twenty days past when I initially hoped to have it published, and we are now looking into early 2020 before…

Blasts From the Past

I realize that this blog post was supposed to be about book distribution…but, we’ll have to get to that next time. In a way, the idea behind today’s offering somewhat supports the point that I’m bringing up today…because the original topic of discussion was somewhat ceremoniously hijacked. If you’re a regular follower of me here, on Facebook, or via Twitter, you already know that I am in the process of finishing VITAE, which is my…

Editing – Is it Necessary?

If you’ve been following along via Twitter and Facebook, you already know that VITAE is due out in a few months. Working on the novel has been where the bulk of my free time has gone since recovering from a wrist injury. My wrist still isn’t at 100%, but it’s close enough so that I can write/type for longer periods of time with an occasional rest. A lot has gone on since my previous post.…

There’s More Where That Came From

Friday, November 8, 2019. That is the date the current edition of DUALITY will be removed from Amazon in both Kindle and paperback formats to make way for the updated second edition to be released on Sunday, November 10, 2019. The second edition will have a number of cosmetic/formatting changes on the outside and inside of the book; and, though I am hoping that VITAE will also be released on the same day, I am…

#WritingCommunity on Twitter

In my opinion, there’s a lot of work involved with being a self-published author in addition to what it takes to write a novel. We don’t usually have a “machine” behind us; a group of individuals working for and with us to help us to become a success. A self-published author might need to outsource an editor, cover designer, and publicist – or he/she has to become all of those things. This is where networking…