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Posts tagged as “editing”

Master of Multitasking

Those of us within the Writing Community of Twitter, as well as the writing community as a whole, transcend myriad categories that vary depending on the stage of our writing careers, whether we’re independent authors or signed to an agent and/or publisher, genre – you name it. At the moment, I am an independent author. In my specific situation, because it can differ for other indy writers, this means that I am solely responsible for…

Editing – Is it Necessary?

If you’ve been following along via Twitter and Facebook, you already know that VITAE is due out in a few months. Working on the novel has been where the bulk of my free time has gone since recovering from a wrist injury. My wrist still isn’t at 100%, but it’s close enough so that I can write/type for longer periods of time with an occasional rest. A lot has gone on since my previous post.…

Cleared For Landing

After the release date for Duality was announced and the book trailer was released, I took some much-needed time off to relax and regroup. It felt as though a huge weight was removed and I could have collapsed into a gooey pile of happiness. Now that I’ve had that break, however, it’s time to get back to work. I initially planned to write a lengthy and involved post on what the editing process was like…

Maintaining Focus and Consistency Throughout a Series

Just as my primary focus was on Duality while I was writing it, my focus is now on my current novel. That isn’t to say, though, that I don’t have an eye cast upon future books. I’ve mentioned before how I have several projects in the works. To be frank, I have enough material to keep me busy well into the year 2020 – to start. Inside that bag of goodies is a series that will span…

Editing…The Horror!

Had anyone told me that editing a novel might take as long as it did to actually write the novel, I’d have thought them insane. I will admit to being very naive as to what the editing process would entail. After all, I’ve been writing for years, but this is my first official foray into becoming a published author. Editing a novel is also not at all like the research papers we had to write in…