As my weekend draws to a close, I realize that I’ve made an error. I was able to finish most of the tasks that I started, only I went through them in reverse order. Saturday was beautiful: Slightly-overcast skies, cool temperatures, gusts of wind and the occasional threat of showers. I love that kind of weather, and I spent much of the day here at my desk in my little workspace as I plowed through edits and touched up several chapters of Duality. I thought that there’d be time on Sunday to get any errands out of the way for the coming week, and I should ride the wave of creativity as much as possible until that time.
I didn’t realize that Sunday was going to be about ten degrees warmer! Gone are my overcast skies; the clouds having parted to allow the sun to come blazing through. Any hint of wind or breeze feels like someone’s hot breath, and there is no promise of rain…yet. True, we’re due to drop back into the 60s on Monday, but I have considered today a wash as far as anything to do with the outdoors because I don’t like the heat. Errands can wait until things cool down again, and I take no issue with being teased about preferring to stay at home…where it is nice and cool.

I consider it a bonus to have an extra, unplanned day to write and edit. I’ve done meal prep for this week’s work lunches, and I’m narrowing down the field of culinary candidates for the next installment of Taste This! By the way, thank you so much to those of you who have been stopping in! It would seem that the introduction to discussions about food has been well-received, and I hope that you were able to take something positive and fun from it. For now, Taste This! will likely remain a bi-weekly feature, with an occasional surprise thrown in as the mood hits me. Cooking is another way for me to express my creativity, so it means a lot to also be able to share that with you.
The other great news is that I am about 80% sure of the release date for Duality, and I do need to speak with a couple of people first to ensure that we’re all on the same page – no pun intended. You can, of course, count on the official announcement of that date being announced here once everything is finalized; and, since I already have a title for the novel that will be released after Duality, there just might be an announcement coming soon for that as well.
In the meantime, my Conflagration of Creativity is in effect for a few more hours tonight before I need to start winding down. As always, I appreciate all of you and look forward to showering you with my special brand of crazy again very soon.