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Posts published in June 2018

Taste This!

I’ve decided to post another installment of Taste This! so that I can share one of my favorite recipes with you. This one, just like the last installment, is a dessert recipe – one of my favorite to make. It’s quick, easy, and delicious. Mind you, I won’t always post desserts. There will definitely be some savory dishes showcased. Admittedly, though, I do have a rather active sweet tooth. Bread pudding is a dessert typically made…

The Conflagration of Creativity

As my weekend draws to a close, I realize that I’ve made an error. I was able to finish most of the tasks that I started, only I went through them in reverse order. Saturday was beautiful: Slightly-overcast skies, cool temperatures, gusts of wind and the occasional threat of showers. I love that kind of weather, and I spent much of the day here at my desk in my little workspace as I plowed through…

Taste This! (The Inaugural Edition)

As I mentioned yesterday, I’ve been encouraged by my friends to share the occasional recipe here on the blog. Some of these will be original concoctions of my own and others will be based on a recipe I discovered elsewhere and needed to try and then share.  This will be a biweekly feature to start, and I may change the frequency depending on little things like popularity and demand. But, I cook at home often…

From Conception to Fruition

It’s been roughly ten months since I started writing Duality. There wasn’t much about the day itself that stands out for me now, except the feeling I had that things were going pretty well overall. I was at work removing things one at a time from my task list when a call came in. I’ve mentioned that call here before: an irate woman by the name of Marjorie decided that it was her job to tell me…

The Little Things

Have you ever experienced the dizzying feeling of finding cash in your pockets as you rifle through them before doing laundry? It’s a, “Eureka!” moment, and you get the rush of warm and fuzzies because it’s such a pleasant surprise. That is how I felt earlier this week when I realized that I have roughly half a dozen clips recorded to my phone that I’d somehow forgotten about. We’ve already gone over how, when inspiration…