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Posts published in “Writing”

Blasts From the Past

I realize that this blog post was supposed to be about book distribution…but, we’ll have to get to that next time. In a way, the idea behind today’s offering somewhat supports the point that I’m bringing up today…because the original topic of discussion was somewhat ceremoniously hijacked. If you’re a regular follower of me here, on Facebook, or via Twitter, you already know that I am in the process of finishing VITAE, which is my…

Editing – Is it Necessary?

If you’ve been following along via Twitter and Facebook, you already know that VITAE is due out in a few months. Working on the novel has been where the bulk of my free time has gone since recovering from a wrist injury. My wrist still isn’t at 100%, but it’s close enough so that I can write/type for longer periods of time with an occasional rest. A lot has gone on since my previous post.…

There’s More Where That Came From

Friday, November 8, 2019. That is the date the current edition of DUALITY will be removed from Amazon in both Kindle and paperback formats to make way for the updated second edition to be released on Sunday, November 10, 2019. The second edition will have a number of cosmetic/formatting changes on the outside and inside of the book; and, though I am hoping that VITAE will also be released on the same day, I am…


A couple of weeks ago, I posted the front cover for VITAE. Of course, it has since been tweaked a bit (as I said it would be), so here is a peek at both the front and back cover. I don’t think I’ll be fiddling with it anymore, but will be sure to let you know if I do. Also of note: My hope is to release VITAE on November 10th. However, if it is not…


Though there might be a few tweaks between now and the release date, here is the front cover for VITAE!

Duality – The Prologue

Copyright © 2018 Ametra S. Rayford. All rights reserved. She crouched, shivering as she forced her body deep inside the crowded closet. Wiping the tears from her cheeks, she couldn’t help shuddering as her fingertips grazed the clots of blood and flesh that she’d been sprayed with. Gritting her teeth, she fought to maintain control though she felt the bile rising as her stomach churned. An ear-splitting scream mingled with the guttural gurgles that resembled…

Growing Pains

There are times that it becomes necessary to change and grow based upon surroundings and circumstances. As a writer, I’ve made many changes within various projects with the purpose of enhancing or showcasing the work. Some of those modifications were easier to make than others. Duality has been out for roughly six months now, and I am still enjoying the exhilaration of publishing my debut novel even while working on Vitae, which is due to…

Programming Note

Lots of thought has gone into this, and I’ve realized that I’m spread a bit too thin at the moment. I’m juggling a full-time job, writing my second novel, still doing promotional work for my debut novel, and myriad other things. As a result, blogging has fallen by the wayside. It isn’t that I don’t enjoy blogging – I do – I just don’t have as much free time as I once did to post…

#WritingCommunity on Twitter

In my opinion, there’s a lot of work involved with being a self-published author in addition to what it takes to write a novel. We don’t usually have a “machine” behind us; a group of individuals working for and with us to help us to become a success. A self-published author might need to outsource an editor, cover designer, and publicist – or he/she has to become all of those things. This is where networking…