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Posts tagged as “music”

Vitae – The Soundtrack

I previously shared the unofficial soundtrack to Duality with you. Now, here’s the one I put together for Vitae… This list doesn’t have as many character-specific songs as Duality, mostly because this novel has a different feel overall. But, have fun guessing nonetheless! Sleep – Poets of the Fall When Your Heart is Weak – Cock Robin Sanvean (I Am Your Shadow) – Lisa Gerrard Waiting for the Night – Depeche Mode…

Duality – The Soundtrack

As mentioned in a previous post, music plays a big part in my writing. As such, everything I write has an unofficial soundtrack; crafted around characters in the book, their feelings and motivations, as well as happenings within the book itself. This is the one I put together for Duality. I’ve listed the original artist(s), but not the name of the character or the setting to which the song was attributed – so as not…

Programming Note

I’ve been sidelined by a wicked bit of flu for over a week now. It left me with barely enough energy to do much and, now that I’m starting to be up and around again, I’ve been catching up on things I was otherwise unable to do during that time. One bit of fun I found in my sickbed was to go back through some of my blog posts and transform them into videos. This one was…

Level Up!

I’ve enjoyed playing video games since I was very young.  It didn’t matter what platform the game was on: arcade, PC, console, and now mobile – you name it and I played it.  I’ve loved side-scrollers, first person shooters, MMOs, RPGs, MMORPGs…just give me all of it. But, my gaming life forever changed when I got my hot little hands on a copy of Final Fantasy VII.  Though it had the number seven in the…

Ave Uh-Oh!

I had to chime in because I was asked whether or not my love of music means that I can sing. The short answer is no. The longer answer is that if you want to give babies a hearing test, you can play my singing voice for them and watch them cry. Or, if you want your feelings hurt I can sing for you.  Have any enemies? Let me croon to them. My singing makes…


I started reading before I was three years old.  I don’t recall the steps involved in learning how to read; when the alphabet started to become familiar to me, or when combinations of letters became recognizable as words.  All I know is that, suddenly, I could read. It was amazing. I could often be found sitting on one of the sofa cushions that I’d yanked to the floor, with a book in my hand and…

Music: The Wellspring

Some find it interesting to learn that I have a soundtrack for everything I’ve ever written.  Music lures my creative mind to depths that allow me to come up with storylines and bits of dialogue that, once the music is off and I’m reading the results, still surprise me to this day. Music also helps me to get through scenes that I find emotionally difficult.  I find it easier to write the scene away with…