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Posts published in “Fun”

Very Special Announcement

A mistake, albeit it one that I’ve come to appreciate and squeal over for the last hour or so, has caused the paperback version of Duality to be made available on Amazon ahead of the November 10 publication date. I cannot change this and I’ve decided that I wouldn’t if I could. I will instead take it, run with it, scream over it (flailing hands, included), and share the news! The Kindle version is available…


Last night, I completed the upload of Duality to Amazon – in both Kindle as well as paperback format! The Kindle version was approved almost immediately. The paperback version, however, is still in review and I expect it to be approved at any time. Once both are up and showing as available for preorder, I’ll be sure to make an announcement. For now… I am exhausted, amazed, excited, grateful, and very hyper. Once I’ve recovered,…

How Deep is Too Deep?

One of my characters has made me angry. Well, it’s more accurate to admit that I wrote a section of a chapter during which I caused a character of my creation to do something that, ultimately, made me angry. In case you don’t recall my saying so previously, I am an organic writer. What that means is that I create the opening to a novel, decide upon how it might end, and then create a…

Switching Gears – When It’s Time to Move On

I admit: It has not been easy to switch from Duality to another novel. I lived, breathed, and agonized over my debut novel for nearly a year. I thought of little else, even when forced to distance myself from the book to make room for Real Life. I was and still am elated to have finished it, and I look forward to the input from my beta readers and from the editor. I even dove right…

What Happens When Dreams are Lost?

If your dreams don’t come true the way you hope, should they be abandoned? One of my coworkers stopped me while passing in the break room last week. She asked how things are going with the novel. Another coworker was present, and his ears perked up at the announcement that the book is now finished and in the hands of the beta readers. She congratulated me, asked that I keep her posted, and we all…

Editing…The Horror!

Had anyone told me that editing a novel might take as long as it did to actually write the novel, I’d have thought them insane. I will admit to being very naive as to what the editing process would entail. After all, I’ve been writing for years, but this is my first official foray into becoming a published author. Editing a novel is also not at all like the research papers we had to write in…

The Conflagration of Creativity

As my weekend draws to a close, I realize that I’ve made an error. I was able to finish most of the tasks that I started, only I went through them in reverse order. Saturday was beautiful: Slightly-overcast skies, cool temperatures, gusts of wind and the occasional threat of showers. I love that kind of weather, and I spent much of the day here at my desk in my little workspace as I plowed through…

Taste This! (The Inaugural Edition)

As I mentioned yesterday, I’ve been encouraged by my friends to share the occasional recipe here on the blog. Some of these will be original concoctions of my own and others will be based on a recipe I discovered elsewhere and needed to try and then share.  This will be a biweekly feature to start, and I may change the frequency depending on little things like popularity and demand. But, I cook at home often…

From Conception to Fruition

It’s been roughly ten months since I started writing Duality. There wasn’t much about the day itself that stands out for me now, except the feeling I had that things were going pretty well overall. I was at work removing things one at a time from my task list when a call came in. I’ve mentioned that call here before: an irate woman by the name of Marjorie decided that it was her job to tell me…

The Little Things

Have you ever experienced the dizzying feeling of finding cash in your pockets as you rifle through them before doing laundry? It’s a, “Eureka!” moment, and you get the rush of warm and fuzzies because it’s such a pleasant surprise. That is how I felt earlier this week when I realized that I have roughly half a dozen clips recorded to my phone that I’d somehow forgotten about. We’ve already gone over how, when inspiration…