Three days ago, I passed a certification exam that is vital to my day job. Since then, I have been reintroducing myself to life as a writer by reading my debut novel from the beginning. Six weeks is a very long time to be separated from anything you love and enjoy, and I don’t think it would be fair to just jump right back in, picking up from where I left off with regard to…
Posts tagged as “Crazy Lady”
It has been an amazing last few weeks, so much so that it barely seems as though twenty-one days have passed since I made the announcement of the title of my first novel. I hoped to try very hard to not let there be so much time in-between posts, but I obviously need to try harder. It’s all for a good reason, though. Several good reasons, in fact! Not all will be shared here at…
While I scrambled to adhere to deadlines, my Editor-in-Chief pored over the pages I’d written in longhand while taking various red slashes to the sheaf of typed offerings. I don’t know how I can continue working under these conditions. He is a truly merciless and cruel taskmaster…I mean, LOOK at him!
I know, I know! I haven’t been here much the last couple of weeks or so. But, it’s all for good reasons! I have been up to my lovely hairline in edits for the novel. Let me tell you: Writing the book was so much more fun! Editing is, for lack of a better word, a pain. It’s like (for those of you with children) having to decide which child is your favorite. I’ve written…
During this lovely, long holiday weekend, I have been up to my hairline in editing. It’s been an amazing process thus far, and I’m very happy with the progress I’ve made. Of note is the work that needed to be done on a pivotal chapter in the novel. I loved writing this chapter. It might be my favorite one in the book, but it was split into two sections written on different days. I needed…
I will admit: I’ve been all over the place creatively in the last few weeks. Let’s review, shall we? There’s my current novel – finally completed and being edited all to hell before I finally give it to my beta readers – which will not be before the end of the year as I’d hoped, though I am the one solely responsible for creating that deadline. Once they’ve submitted their input, there’ll be a second…
Fun fact: I briefly studied Massage Therapy in 2010. I was enrolled in the Associate’s Degree program, with plans to obtain a Bachelor’s in Kinesiology. In short, Kinesiology is the study of movement. As a massage therapist, I hoped to learn what I could about how to help treat or alleviate symptoms of injuries after they took place. Studying Kinesiology would teach me how those kinds of injuries might be prevented. Though I had no…
I’ve enjoyed playing video games since I was very young. It didn’t matter what platform the game was on: arcade, PC, console, and now mobile – you name it and I played it. I’ve loved side-scrollers, first person shooters, MMOs, RPGs, MMORPGs…just give me all of it. But, my gaming life forever changed when I got my hot little hands on a copy of Final Fantasy VII. Though it had the number seven in the…