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Posts published in “Informational”

The Ups and Downs of Book Sales

We’ve gone over a lot in my most recent blog posts. We’ve discussed the many ways that we, as independent authors, have to multitask during the creative process. We also talked about the different tools used for book promotion. Most recently, I went over Expanded Distribution and what goes into making sure that your novel, should you want to, qualifies for that process – as well as how the price of your novel could factor…

The Skinny on Expanded Distribution

If you’ve been following along, you already know that I’ve been providing input on various things – including pricing your novel, different tools of the trade, and how to multitask. In my previous post, I mentioned that I’d get a bit more into Expanded Distribution…and here we go. Some of you might wonder what Expanded Distribution is. Putting it plainly, it’s slightly different from just uploading your novel to Amazon, Lulu, etc…, and I provided…

Pricing Your Novel – What’s the Big Deal?

Though this shouldn’t need to be said I’ll say it anyway… This is my blog. These are my thoughts and opinions. This isn’t gospel, nor is it carved in stone. I am sharing what I’ve learned and experienced with you. Your own experience might be completely different and it isn’t necessary for you to agree. Now… I’ve discussed before the things that we, as independent authors, must do to aid in the creation and maintenance…